photo: Alexander Danadoev


photo: mikomex




Aki Ozawa


19歳で渡米、NYパンクの雄 TELEVISION の Bill Ficca、Bob Dylan のバックを務めた Howie Wyeth 等と共演、帰国後リーダーバンド BYFAL を結成し活動を展開。多種多彩なアーティスト達のライブ、レコーディングに参加。Jazz、Pops、Avant-garde、フラメンコ、楽曲提供等、活動の範囲は多岐にわたる。なかでも歌の伴奏には定評があり、様々なフィールドで活躍するボーカリスト達のサポートを務め、ロシアアウトカーストの唄を歌い続けている石橋幸コンサートではバンドリーダーを、西川郷子(上々颱風)のソロアルバム『郷音~hibiki~』ではプロデュースを担当。バンドネオン奏者大久保かおりとのデュオでは南米音楽にも力を入れる。マンスリーソロライブも行い、オリジナルの他スペイン民謡やアルメニア民謡を独自の解釈で演奏。 ギターという楽器を通して世界の音楽の現在をハイブリッドに追求。またサイレント映画の伴奏をシリーズ化し、東京国立近代美術館フィルムセンターに10年以上にわたり出演。チャップリン、キートン、ロイドの米三大喜劇王、無声映画時代の小津監督作品、近年発掘された貴重なフィルムなど、国内外の数多くの作品の音楽を手掛ける。2005年 ソロアルバム『La Puerta』 、2013年  BYFAL の 2nd CD『福の神の旅』をリリース。

|official website

Up to the present time, Aki Ozawa has had a lots of collaborative experiences on various fields and participated in a great variety of musicians’ concerts and recordings. 

At the end of teens, he went and stayed in the United States and collaborated with Bill Ficca (from TELEVISION), Howie Wyeth (who played with Bob Dylan as a backing band member), and many highly experienced musicians. After coming back Japan, Aki formed a band BYFAL and make wide range of activities with his band. His flexibility and skills allow him to work on many fields such as Jazz, Pops, Avant-garde, Flamenco, providing pieces, and so on.

Especially, Aki’s accompaniment to singing is deeply put faith by musicians, supporting vocalists on various fields. For example, He has played with Miyuki Ishibashi who is singing songs of Russian outcastes as a reader of her band and he produced Satoko Nishikawa’s (from Shang Shang Typhoon) solo album ~hibiki~. 

In a duo with a bandoneon player Kaori Okubo, his strong focus on Latin American music is expressed clearly. In monthly solo live, Aki plays his original pieces and Spanish and Armenian folk songs which are uniquely reinterpreted for solo guitar performance. Through his guitar, he has hybridly pursued ways in which music exist and change at present time. 

In other kind of work, Aki produce a series of silent movie project, also playing as a backing musician in these projective performances at The National Museum of Modern Art Film Centre, Tokyo over 10 years. This project musically produced by Aki has shown not only Japanese films but also abroad pieces for audiences. Until now, this project has featured Chaplin, Keaton, and Lloyd――called the three greatest king of comedy, Yasujiro Ozu’s films, and old films newly found recent years. 

|  official website
